Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight film review

I had extremely high expectations for this film. I have liked every Christopher Nolan movie I've watched up to this point including the prequel 'Batman Begins.' Likewise the trailers for this movie made it look spectacular.

I attended the midnight showing to a full house, and two and a half hours later i left amazed and breathless. This movie was magnificent. Not only the best superhero film of all-time but one of the best overall films of 2008. It appeared to be more of a crime drama than a standard super hero romp.

The acting was incredible. Heath Ledger was unbelievable as the joker. Every since watching Heath Ledger in the 'Lords of Dogtown' I knew that he could act. What he does in 'TDK' is take it to an entirely new level. He is completely crazy and I feel a better joker than Jack Nicholson was. I was a little skeptical prior to this film, feeling that maybe some of his praise was overdue and only given out due to his death. However, none of his praise for this film is unwarranted. He deserves an oscar nomination for best supporting actor.
Also, Aaron Eckhart was extremely good as the complex Harvey Dent. His performance appears to be getting a little overshadowed by Ledger's but it was very excellent nonetheless.

The humor in this film is profoundly dark and honestly laugh-out-loud funny. This contrasts well with the gritty world that Nolan creates oh so well in the movie. Overall, this is an epic story that extends well beyond the hype surrounding it. I will probably go and watch this film again just to be sucked into the interesting world of Gotham City once more. The film is nearly perfect and the only complaint I could maybe find is that some find it a little too long. I did not mind the length however.

Overall, extending well beyond the typical superhero movie fun-time campy adventure Christopher Nolan has created a masterpiece film.
Everything about this film shines: the script, dialogue, direction, action, and the sheer number of unforgettable scenes and moments that are present throughout it

Consensus: Go see this movie now!