Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Step Brothers Film Review

'Step Brothers' is the first comedy I watched this summer. I didn't have extremely high expectations for this film since I am not a huge fan of Will Ferrell at all. I feel that he has been in a recent decline since the actually funny 'Anchorman'. Or potentially it is that the stupid improvised humour that make up his films is getting old.

This movie does indeed have its funny lines. However, the lack of a significant plot in any form drag it down greatly. Also, there are large chunks of this film where there are no laughs and many jokes/ploys are reused. Much of the humour was in the fact that O'Reilly and Ferrell are adults saying things that kids say only swearing while they did it. This was not particularly funny to me at any time. The movie is too long. Towards the end I was just wanting it to end.

This film had it many bright spots where i laughed. The overall experience though was a little tired, felt done before many times, and was not especially memorable.

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