Friday, February 6, 2009


Phillip Semour Hoffman is a great actor. He always brings a great performance to every picture he stars in. him along with the premise of a catholic school in the '60's fighting change and scandal had me super excited for the movie 'doubt.'

first off, me along with my three friends that attended the movie were by far the youngest people in the theater. the film was a very slow moving character piece that i enjoyed thoroughly. it was very apparent that the film was an adaptation of a play, which i would like to also see.

interactions between all the characters are intense and really what keeps the movie exciting. Meryl Streep and Amy Adams along with Hoffman all bring oscar worthy performances to the table. they are truly that good.

the plot is also a major strong point. it never reveals too much and doesn't give a clear answer to what actually occurred. thus, the title 'doubt' because despite which view of innocent or guilty the viewer leaves the theater with, that little bit of doubt is always present. my friends and i discussed whether or not we feel Hoffman did it or not, he entire way home. this is the mark of a great movie: discussion afterward. before i watched 'slumdog millionaire' i felt 'doubt' was the best movie i saw in 2008.

if you like movies that make you think, with strong performances, or if you like plays with lots of symbolism and meaning, then i suggest you watch this film.

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